Nutritional Value Of Cashews

    nutritional value

  • In terms of protein value, PAP offers significantly more than feed ingredients such as rape, lupin and soya.  Unlike vegetable proteins PAP is a complete feed ingredient, delivering valuable fats and minerals to rations.


  • The cashew (Anacardium occidentale; syn. Anacardium curatellifolium A.St.-Hil.) is a tree in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae. The plant is native to northeastern Brazil.
  • A bushy tropical American tree related to the mango, bearing cashew nuts singly at the tip of each swollen fruit
  • (cashew) tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted
  • (Cashew) The kidney-shaped nut that grows on the outside of the cashew apple at its base. The shell is highly toxic. Cashews have a sweet buttery flavor and contain about 48% fat.
  • An edible kidney-shaped nut, rich in oil and protein, which is roasted and shelled before it can be eaten. Oil is extracted from the shells and used as a lubricant and insecticide and in the production of plastics

nutritional value of cashews

Cashew Apple or Marañon

Cashew Apple or Marañon
We saw these growing alongside the road in public right-of-ways down in the lowlands along the Pan American Highway and decided we would stop and pick a few someday since we are fans of the cashew nuts.

One day when stopping at a fruit and vegetable stand, we saw these cashew apples or marañons, as they are called, so we bought some and brought them home.

What happened next produced one of those memorable events which will forever be etched in my memory of our early days in Panama.

After studying the fruit for awhile, I thought how difficult could it be to get inside that gray thingy and get the cashew out? Trust me, you don’t want to know. The marañon is VERY tenacious at not letting you inside. It resisted knives, screwdrivers and needlenose pliers. Finally I got the outside husk to part enough to catch a glimpse of the elusive cashew nut (there is only one per fruit). About this same time I managed to get a nibble of a part of the hidden cashew into my mouth.

Oh my gosh! I think the word cashew may be spanish for ‘gotcha!’ ow – Ow! – OW!

Various places on my hands and arms began to get a firey itch. My tongue was on fire and started to go numb. That’s when I must have scratched an itch on my face and was further introduced to the "caustic phenolic resin" called urushiol, which was now in the corner of one eye. Flushing with lots of water eventually put out the fire.

Just take my word for it. If you want cashews, it’s far easier and safer to get them out of a can. I seriously doubt that marañons will ever catch on in the produce aisles of north american grocery stores.

But you do have to agree that it is an unusual looking fruit. Just don’t try this at home.

I obtained this picture from Wandering Piscean and the earlier one from Wikipedia. I was too mad at my own piece of fruit to take its picture.

cashew fruit wine

cashew fruit wine
Made from the fruit of the cashew tree and marketed by Veronica Jackson at the Inn of Last Resort, Roatan, Honduras. It takes one year to make. Never knew that cashew’s had a fruit.
Public Picture